
Welcome to the B+ Movie blog!  If you are a lover of high art, German Expressionism, or minimalist meditations on the beauty of snow, this is not the movie blog for you.  If you are a lover of babes, bullets, cheesy lines, and questionable acting, you are bound to enjoy this site and what little it has to offer.  So what is a B+ movie you ask?

From the Urban Dictionary:
a film intentionally made to fit into the “B” movie genre, but done so well it is a really good film, unlike your standard “B” movie. Example: “Machete” is intentionally cheesy, but the great acting and direction make it B+ movie, not a B movie.

I submit this can also work the other way – a movie with a good-sized budget intended for glory, but with lovable taints and flaws – ala Cliffhanger, The Expendables, or any Schwarzenegger vehicle.  In short, movies that aren’t so great but aren’t so terrible either… and for one reason or another, never fail to entertain.

Here’s how it works: a bunch of us get together once a month over beer and pizza; a designated member proposes that night’s movie and a matching cocktail to go with it; that same person offers a brief introduction to the movie, and then we watch it.  Everybody wins.

So read on and feel free to comment when inspired.  And please note that despite the title of the Blog, not every movie here carries a B+ rating.  And also, that a B+ is the highest possible rating a movie can receive.  In fact anything rated above that by the critical masses might as well be an F in my book.  Yeah English Patient, I’m looking at you.

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